Ghost in the Shell Featurette Focuses on Batou’s Bond With The Major

Despite all the backlash it's been receiving from its allegedly "whitewashed" casting decisions, Paramount Pictures' Ghost in the Shell live-action is running full steam ahead as it fast approaches its release date.

The studio's marketing team has rolled out a new Ghost in the Shell featurette, and in it fans get to see hear from Scarlett Johansson how her character, The Major, relates with Pilou Asbaek's Batou.

Check it out down below:

Running for a minute and a half, the featurette gives us more insight on the dynamic between The Major and Batou, emphasizing that the augmented-cyvbernetic human commander of Public Security Section 9 has the closes bond with Batou. In the original animated film, the two have a close bond and tend to fend for each other. There is a certain level of attachment between the two, and though not romantic, it is one that fans enjoy watching. It's good that Paramount is projecting this closeness in the Ghost In The Shell live-action – at least they've got that part right.

Ghost in the Shell premieres on March 31.

Read: Ghost In The Shell Promotional Campaign Receives Major Backlash

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