George Lucas Reveals The Key To Creating C-3PO

C-3PO is one of the most iconic robots featured in not just the Star Wars franchise but the realm of science fantasy films. The protocol droid was featured in all eight saga films. During the panel at Star Wars Celebration, George Lucas revealed the key to bringing C-3PO to life with Anthony Daniels' help.

At the 40th anniversary panel, actor Warwick Davis, George Lucas, and Anthony Daniels discussed the process of creating C-3PO, with Lucas taking charge to describe what made C-3PO so iconic.

"The key to the construction of you was the face. The face had to be absolutely neutral so that you could act, and your acting would come through and it wouldn't be counter to what your face was doing," Lucas explained.

"The key to the construction of you was the face," Lucas added. "The face had to be absolutely neutral so that you could act, and your acting would come through and it wouldn't be counter to what your face was doing."

Lucas continued: "So by having your face fully neutral, everything you did, and your movements, which was hired I mimed, was because the acting was in the physicality of it. It was very hard to come up with a face that was completely neutral. What was he thinking? Nothing. Then as soon as you're in it, suddenly, this whole personality was there and this whole character was there and everything was there."

When Daniels asked George about the design of C-3PO, Lucas referenced films like Metropolis, saying, "It comes from a long tradition of robots, throughout history."

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is set to release in theaters on December 15, 2017.

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