DC May Experiment with Rated-R Films

Perhaps both the bane and the boon of DC films is its grittiness and seriousness.

Just recently, Ant-Man and The Wasp star Evangeline Lilly said one of the things that made their stories more miss than hit is the fact that the take themselves way too seriously.

But now, with the advent of Rated-R films in the superhero genre, the next question to ask is: will DC go down this road?

The way that it had previously experimented with humor for Suicide Squad (though a little suspiciously close to the success of Deadpool), seems to suggest that DC is open to considering what could be beneficial for the narrative.

Now, The Wrap has a statement from a DC insider that this is exactly what the studio is considering.

"One hundred percent yes. With the right character(s)."

While this isn't a promise of a sure thing—so far, we know that Aquaman is already in production and Wonder Woman is heading to cinemas in a few months—there are a few movies that could easily experiment with R-ratings. One movie that easily comes to mind: the solo Batman movie.

Sure, it's far from going down Deadpool's route, which is to mix humor with crass action and dialogue. But we have to remember that Logan is just as successful, and it's now being compared to The Dark Knight, the only thing that DC so far has that can be called a fairly recent success.

Still, we have to remember, the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition is pretty much the Rated-R version of the movie. It was way better than the theatrical cut, so any similar move of the director or the creative team to cut succeeding DC movies in the same way is already considered sacrilege at this point.

So yes, DC may actually still benefit from the Rated-R treatment, and not just in the way that we negatively think it will. With Wonder Woman's promise seemingly fulfilled thus far, I'm looking at future DC films with a little more hope. Maybe it's going to be "four time's the jackpot" this time around.

For this year, fans can still look forward to Justice League coming to theaters on Nov 17.

Read:Why you need to check out the Thor: Ragnarok prelude comics.

Doctor Strange hits all these three genres in a good way.

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