Could Morbius be Linked to Sam Raimi's Spider-Man?

Sony has just dropped the first teaser for Morbius, and some fans have already noticed that the graffiti of Spider-Man on the wall is ripped out of the Spider-Man PS4 game. What's interesting is, the same photo is also a reference to another Spider-Man.

As some fans have noticed, the photo of Spider-Man in the teaser is not just from the PS4 game, but the skin is also that of Tobey Maguire's suit from the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies. While I'm sure this could just be a mistake on the production designer's part, I'm sure some fans are already trying to pore over what kind of explanation the studio will have to justify why an alternate Spider-Man suit exists in a film that takes place with a different Spider-Man? If anything, that suit should be Tom Holland's from Spider-Man: Far from Home.

If anything, Sony still has a lot of time to fix it in post-production, and I'm sure it doesn't have to lead to some kind of delay like what happened with the Sonic the Hedgehog movie. Personally, I'm fine with them keeping the photo in the film. For one, it's a fun reference to both the PS4 game and the Raimi trilogy, and it can even be a hint at an upcoming Spider-Verse which a lot of people are hoping that Sony should think about.

For now, the Spider-Verse is set to expand with the release of Morbius. Catch the movie when it hits theaters July 31.

Read Also: Could the New Morbius Teaser be Hinting at a Sinister Six Team-Up?

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