Candace Payne, a.k.a. Chewbacca Mom, whose fifteen-minute Facebook-live viral video launched her to fame, just got a book deal. This morning, announced her book Laugh it Up: Embrace Freedom and Experience Defiant Joy.
Her book comes from Zondervan Publishing, and will be released on November 7. Expect more books from Chewbacca Mom since the deal is for multiple books, and the second will hit shelves next year. Her goal is to share to the world the same kind of simple joy she spread when she wore Hasbro's Chewbacca mask.
Speaking with EW, she said: "In the book, I personify Joy and reveal a trait she possesses in each chapter. I also explain how Joy has been present in each of the circumstances, life choices, or traumas I've walked through."
All of Payne's projects in the near future are all about the idea of optimism and positivity in the face of adversity. Payne will host two TLC webseries.
As for her famous nickname "Chewbacca Mom," she says, "Not for a second does it get old to me." Payne says that what happened with the Chewbacca mask was "destiny."
Read: Chewbacca Mom Makes a Musical Return to Mixed Reception
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