Characters Other Than Gus Fring Are Returning For This Season's Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul is coming back this April, and it's been confirmed that it will feature arguably one of the best TV villains of all time, Gus Fring. Bob Odenkirk, who plays Jimmy in the series, has revealed that Gus is only the cherry on top of a handful of Breaking Bad cameos. Who else could come back?

In an interview with The Huffington Post, Odenkirk talks about Giancarlo Esposito (Gus) returning to the show. He says:

"Giancarlo is an incredibly sweet, generous actor, and incredibly gifted, amazing actor, so it's wonderful to have him around, and it's wonderful to get the story closer to the world of Breaking Bad, and it's not just Giancarlo. There are other characters from that show that are starting to appear, so that is super exciting, and it raises our stakes, and it raises our game at Saul."

My guess? It's possibly Hank who could make an appearance, or possibly Jesse Pinkman. If you remember Saul's introduction to Breaking Bad, Jesse told Walt that Saul was responsible for getting his friend Emilio (the guy they melt with acid) out of trouble. It's possible Pinkman cameos with an appearance form Emilio and Hank is the Saul has to fend off. In the same episode of BB, Hank even berates Saul — possibly hinting that they've met before.

Then again, it would be hilarious to see Bryan Cranston making a cameo as a cashier for the A1 Car Wash. It might not be the biggest comeback, but fans are sure to love it.

Better Call Saul season 3 airs on AMC on April 10.

See Also: Amazon Orders New Series From Blade Runner Author With Bryan Cranston As Producer

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