Black Cat and Silver Sable Spinoff Gets Production Start Date

While Spider-Man: Homecoming has been working on its marketing campaign, Sony has also been busy with its other upcoming contributions to the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Spider-Man franchise.

Aside from a Venom film, Sony is also working on another spinoff film centered on the Spider-Man comic characters Black Cat and Silver Cable which is to be written out by Thor: Ragnarok screenwriter, Chris Yost. Despite being linked to Spider-Man, it seems like both films are not expected to connect with the MCU as Sony readies its gears to work on properties that are not attached to Marvel Studios.

My Entertainment World has listed down the Black Cat and Silver Cable movie to begin filming during autumn of this year and given a short introduction to both characters.

"The film is about Silver Sable, a mercenary who runs a company that hunts war criminals. The character has been both antagonist and ally to Spider-Man. Black Cat is an acrobatic cat burglar named Felicia Hardy. The character has a long and tangled romantic history with Spider-Man."

The character descriptions however are not indicative of the events in the film, and if reports of Sony's spinoffs steering clear of the MCU are proven accurate, then it's possible that connections with Tom Holland's Spider-Man may not appear in the films. This may sound a little disappointing for Marvel fans, however there might be a chance that Sony would change its mind if Spiderman: Homecoming proves to be a massive success. We'll have to wait and see.

Spider-Man: Homecoming is slated for

Read: Venom Will NOT Take Place In The MCU; Might Be Rated R

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