Alien: Covenant Takes A Step Closer To Revealing Creator of Xenomorphs

Though Ridley Scott's Prometheus received mixed reviews from fans and critic, the fifth Alien film broadened the scope of the franchise, asking about the nature of creation and implying that the xenomorph may have been partly created by the mysterious Engineers.

However, in an interview with Collider (via International Business Times), Scott debunks the theory as he discusses the tone of his upcoming Prometheus sequel, Alien: Covenant.

"It shouldn't have really ended, so we've come back with a very simple idea: Who made them? [Alien] was just about there it is; it exists. And this is what it is…" the director explains.

"So we've reinvented the idea of Alien, I think, which is that Covenant gets us a step closer to who and why was this thing designed to make human beings. And if you think it's them [the Engineers], you're dead wrong."

Scott's comments are pretty frank, teasing that there's a larger, more complicated story behind the xenomorphs in the Alien franchise. The question now, if it's not the Engineers, then who made the xenomorphs? Since Scott already has the Alien: Covenant sequel written, it's pretty likely that the series is going to take its time divulging the big secret between the two films. We'll just have to wait and see.

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