Zack Snyder's Justice League Could Either be a 6-Part Series or a 4-Hour Movie

It's official. After three years of fan pestering, we're finally going to get Zack Snyder's original version of Justice League. Zack Snyder's Justice League is set to come out in 2021, and it looks like HBO Max is still going heads or tails about which format it will take.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, it's still unclear what form Zack Snyder's Justice League will take. Some suggest that it will be a four-hour long film, but it's also possible that it will become a series split into six chapters.

Snyder's producer and wife, Deborah Snyder, also had this to say about the cut coming to HBO Max:

"With the new platform and streaming services, you can have something like this. You can't release something like this theatrically, but you could with a streaming service. It's an opportunity that wasn't there two years ago, to be honest."

Personally, I would love for Justice League to just be a film to keep with continuity of the other DCEU films, but I think a series would be easier to digest. I just don't expect any other miniseries to follow moving forward.

I think it's also worth noting that the movie will need more than $20 million to be completed. We don't know what the specifics are of what's lacking, but we do know that VFX shots need to be completed, and Snyder will probably require some more reshoots with actors.

No specific release date has been set, but Zack Snyder's Justice League comes to HBO Max next year.

Read Also: The Snyder Cut of Justice League is Real and is Officially Coming to HBO Max

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