Watchmen Writer Defends Series from Critics Claiming the Show is Pro-Police

Damon Lindelof's critically-acclaimed Watchmen series may have an African-American law enforcement officer as its lead character, however, writer Cord Jefferson disagrees with critics calling the DC comic book live-action series a pro-cop project.

Speaking in an interview with the Rolling Stones,Watchmen writer Cord Jefferson decided to address critics' concerns that the series is actually pro-law enforcement. Despite the fact that the series main character is part of the police, Jefferson feels that the show isn't entirely pro-cop because of its sixth episode where the main character, Angela Abara (Regina King) relives the memories of her grandfather and witnesses the racism and the struggle he experienced at the hands of the police.

"If you only watched the pilot, you might [think that]. But I don't think there's any way you watch Episode Six of that show and go, ‘That show is pro-cop,'" the writer explained.

There's been a lot of anger and outrage against the police after the death of African American man George Floyd sparked the Black Lives Matter protests. Floyd died at the hands of Minneapolis police after an officer kneeled on the man's neck for eight whole minutes despite pleas from the victim saying that he couldn't breathe. Rushed to the hospital, Floyd was declared dead on arrival.

Floyd's unwarranted death, along with the many cases of police brutality against the Black community in America, have sparked national unrest where protestors take to the streets to demand justice and equality.

Do you think Watchmen is a pro-police series? Let us know in the comment section below.

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