Venom 2 Director Andy Serkis Could Be Alfred in Matt Reeves' The Batman

More The Batman casting news here as it has been reported that DC and Warner Bros. are interested in bringing Venom 2 director Andy Serkis to the mix. Apparently, they want the actor who is best known for portraying CGI characters to play a very real one for this movie; Alfred Pennyworth. That's right, it looks like Alfred is getting recast too, showing that no one is safe from this upcoming reboot(?).

The Wrap claims that Serkis is currently in talks to play as Batman's greatest ally, though not much else is known when it comes to that. We'll have to wait and see if Serkis wants to portray the iconic Batman character and if he will have time to do so, especially with his directorial duties for Venom 2 and other movies.

Personally, I would have been okay with Jeremy Irons returning as Alfred since he did a solid job in Batman V Superman and Justice League, despite both movies being less than good. He seems to be busy with Watchmen these days so recasting him isn't the worst decision in the world.

It seems like we've got one hell of a cast for The Batman, with Robert Pattinson as Batman himself, Zoe Cravitz playing Selina Kyle aka Catwoman, Paul Dano will be The Riddler, and Jeffrey Wright has been confirmed as Commissioner Gordon. With Matt Reeves in the director's chair, this could be one of the most entertaining superhero films out there and will hopefully be a quality Batman story as well.

The Batman will come out on June 25, 2021.

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