The Suicide Squad Casting Call Somewhat Confirms Middle Eastern Setting

Before getting back to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, James Gunn is making The Suicide Squad for the DCEU. The film is set to start production next month, and a casting call has confirmed the rumor that the film will be taking place in a Middle Eastern setting.

As per The GWW, The Suicide Squad is currently looking for "black, Middle Eastern, or Hispanic physically fit men and women to play troops in the film," the call is said to be for soldiers in a guerrilla army, and it's likely we could visit locations in South America and the Middle East.

Back before Gunn was onboard, it was said that the movie was going to involve some kind of Middle East mission that will have the Squad go up against a superhuman (likely Black Adam). After Birds of Prey pushed forward with what looked to be a similar plot, the original director left and James Gunn took over and is expected to come up with a fresh script.

We don't know what Gunn's plan is for the sequel yet, but we do know that he's bringing back some familiar faces along with some new ones. Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Amanda Waller, and Rick Flagg are returning from the first movie, and we'll be getting new characters in the form of Ratcatcher, Polka-Dot Man, King Shark, Peacemaker, and whoever Idris Elba is playing.

Catch The Suicide Squad when it comes out Aug. 6, 2021.

See Also: The Suicide Squad: James Gunn Shares a Look at His King Shark Birthday Cakes

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