The Flash Star Teases 'Big' Reverse-Flash Cliffhanger in Original Season 6 Finale

Credit: The CW Network

Credit: The CW Network

After a brief hiatus, The Flash finally returns with new episodes to be released in five weeks. Like any other show or film, production has been shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic, and it looks like this has also affected the epic original plan for the Season 6 finale episode.

The Flash wasn't able to finish its sixth season, so as stated, the episodes to be aired will only be until May 12. The show is said to end on a different note than what was intended, supposedly featuring a big cliffhanger from one of the Scarlet Speedster's foes.

"There was going to be a big Thawne cliffhanger at the end of what this season would have been," actor Grant Gustin told TVLine. "But that's not going to be the cliffhanger we get."

"[Episode] 619, 'Success Is Assured,' is going to end up being our finale," the actor explained. "So we're going to have a different cliffhanger than originally planned." However, he did make it clear that the end of 619 still serves as a "pretty good" finale.

Fans of the Reverse-Flash might be disappointed with the news since the character has mostly been a background role in Season 6 so far. There are seemingly more things left undone between the two, but unfortunately, we won't be getting this big scene in the original Season 6 finale.

That said, regardless of when Reverse-Flash returns and causes a big ruckus in The Flash's life, fans can't wait to see what situation unfolds between the two.

New episodes of The Flash airs on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on The CW.

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