The Batman: Zoe Kravitz Reveals Why She Wanted to Play Catwoman, Teases 'Wonderful' Script

Credit: Lionsgate Movies

Credit: Lionsgate Movies

There aren't many details revealed about Matt Reeves' upcoming The Batman film yet, but it is already known that Zoe Kravitz will play the role of Catwoman. The actress has been training "a ton" for the shoot and it looks like she's ready to take on the iconic character.

Kravitz spoke with reporters at Hulu's Television Critics Association winter press tour (via ET) where she talked about her inspiration for the role and even the movie's script. "I think the whole Batman world… has always been the most interesting to me," she said. "I think Catwoman is such an iconic character." That's what intrigues her the most, even though she admits that she was not "into a lot" of comic books.

"And then, of course, Michelle Pfeiffer and her performance has always been super inspiring to me," she added. "It just felt iconic."

Although she can't reveal much about the story, Kravitz mentioned that The Batman script is "wonderful." The actress thinks it's "really grounded and deep" but she can't say more than that though, joking about how she'll get fired if she told more.

Kravitz also revealed her thoughts about the character. "I think Catwoman, Selina Kyle, represents really strong femininity, and I'm excited to dive into that," she said. "I think femininity means power, and I think it's a different power than masculine power, and I think that's something that's really interesting about Batwoman and Catwoman."

"I think Batman represents a very masculine power and Catwoman represents a very feminine power," she continued. "Slightly more complicated and softer too." The actress admits that she "likes" the idea that she can be "soft" and "gentle" yet "very powerful" and "very dangerous."

Kravitz revealed in a previous interview that she has had multiple costume fittings and that her training is "very physical" that she even goes home limping every day after shoot.

Are you excited to see Kravitz as Selina Kyle? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Matt Reeves' The Batman is scheduled for release on June 25, 2021

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