Joker Actress Zazie Beetz Doesn’t Think the Film Needs a Sequel

Joker might have gotten a bit of recognition from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences during the Oscars last weekend, but that doesn't mean that fans are going to get a sequel from Todd Phillips.

Joker actress Zazie Beetz doesn't think that DC needs another movie about Gotham's Clown Prince of Crime either. Speaking with MTV during the Oscars, Beetz was asked whether she'd like to see Joker get a sequel after its commercial and critical success.

According to the Joker star, she wasn't quite sure whether the comic book movie really needed a sequel even though director Todd Phillips was open to the idea.

"Ah, I don't know. I don't know if it needs one. I think there is a lot of strength in not milking something," the actress told the entertainment news outlet.

Beetz does have a point. There's a different kind of power in restraint, and Phillips has said time and time again that Joker isn't supposed to have any sort of follow-ups. DC fans might be disappointed, but the decision to keep the film from having its own sequel wouldn't have any effect on the critical and commercial success that Joker already has.

With or without a sequel, Joker will always be the DC movie that was nominated for Best Picture at the 92nd Academy Awards. Nothing would change that, really.

The Joker is now available for purchase on 4K Ultra HD and Blu-Ray.

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