Ezra Miller Chokes Out a Fan in a Bar and the Internet is Freaking Out

Remember how Bojack Horseman said "choking women is bad" in an episode of Bojack Horseman? It seems like Justice League star Ezra Miller didn't watch it or didn't care since the actor choked out a fan, who playfully asked if he wanted to fight in a bar. We know fans/stans like to say "choke me senpai" and all that jazz but what Miller does here is pretty inexcusable. Why he went crazy on this fan is unknown but it's got people talking.

According to a person who is friends with the woman Miller choked, the woman was jokingly asking Miller if he wanted to fight but the star took it too far. Not only did he choke the person, which can be seen below, but the actor proceeded to spit on the person's brother and the bartender. It's such a strange situation and we don't know why the actor suddenly decided to act out like this.

If you're wondering why the fan jokingly asked a question, Miller was supposedly showing off all the scars he had gotten from fights, which is what led to the woman's joke reply. We're willing to wait for Miller to defend himself but man this is weird. This is also heartbreaking for a lot of people who looked up to Miller, who seemed like a sweet dude who enjoys Harry Potter and stars in DC movies.

Once the story hit Twitter, fans started talking about it, questioning if this was even real and wondering why it happened. Hashtags like #ezramillerisoverparty have started making the rounds. While we don't believe in cancel culture, this is going to be hard for anyone to defend.

Never put people on pedestals folks, especially celebrities like Ezra Miller. They wind up disappointing you in a big way.

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