Ezra Miller and Ray Fisher's DC Contracts Expire This Month

The DCEU has been steadily getting back on its feet with films like Aquaman and Shazam!, but we haven't been getting any updates on characters we've already met like Flash (Ezra Miller) and Cyborg (Ray Fisher). As it turns out, both actors' contracts are going to expire soon, and we may have seen the last of them in the DCEU.

This comes from The GWW's Thomas Polito:

While we haven't been getting any official updates, we do know that Fisher is still very active about his Cyborg casting on social media, and he hashtags his DCEU tweets with #BORGLIFE. As for Miller, the last we heard was he wanted to rewrite the Flash movie with Grant Morrison in a bid to keep the role, but ever since we haven't been getting any relevant updates.

Though Justice League turned out a mess, there are some saving graces when it comes to a few choices here and there. For one, casting for each member was spoton, and the chemistry between League member was great to watch. With the DCEU seemingly focusing on solo films for now, I'm hoping that they find a way to get the Flash and Cyborg movies off the ground again. Fisher and Miller deserve better considering what they've brought to the characters.

Maybe WB is just saving some big announcement for SDCC 2019, but that's just me being optimistic. We already lost Ben Affleck as Batman, but maybe we can still salvage the other DC heroes moving forward.

The next DC film to come out is Joker and it releases Oct. 4.

See Also: Brightburn: James Gunn Say He Loves Man of Steel and is Friends with Zack Snyder

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