Ant-Man Actor Cast as Polka-Dot Man in James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad

David Dastmalchian had a memorable role as a Joker goon in The Dark Knight, but his latest comic book movie role had him as one of Ant-Man's thief friends in the MCU. What's interesting is, he's going to be jumping back to the DCEU to work with on James Gunn's The Suicide Squad.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Dastmalchian will be playing the role of the Polka-Dot Man in Gunn's next movie. We don't have that much details on his role yet, but I have a feeling he's going to be played for a lot of laughs. I would be amazed if Gunn could make a character as obscure as Polka-Dot Man resonate the same emotion that people have for a talking tree like Groot.

As for Polka-Dot Man's skillset, he basically has a suit covered in polka-dots, and each dot is a specific gadget that helps him in his supervillainy. We don't know if they're going to try and make him more realistic for Gunn's movie, but I can imagine him just pulling out random weapons from a suit covered in circles.

Polka-Dot Man is only one of the new villains coming to the film. We're also going to have new characters coming like Ratcatcher, Peacemaker, and King Shark. Idris Elba also looked like he was originally cast as the new Deadshot, but the character is being retooled to be someone else from the comics; most likely Bronze Tiger.

We should be getting more updates as the year trudges along, and hopefully we get a good look at all the incoming characters before Joker comes out in October.

Catch James Gunn's The Suicide Squad when it hits theaters Aug. 5, 2021.

See Also: James Gunn Gives Minor Production Update on The Suicide Squad

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