Who Made Call of the Night’s Music and Soundtrack?

Who Made Call of the Night’s Music and Soundtrack

Who Made Call of the Night’s Music and Soundtrack

Anime fans that love artistic visuals have fallen in love with Call of the Night. However, behind the iridescent visuals is a contemporary, gripping sound! We’ve dug to unearth the people behind Call of the Night’s music and soundtrack to give appreciation to one of the best audios this year.

For the sake of this article, we’re splitting Call of the Night’s various earworms into music – the songs heard during the anime – and soundtrack – the riffs and ambient noises that give the series another layer of colour.

Who Made Call of the Night’s Music?

Who Made Call of the Night’s Music Creepy Nuts
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All of the songs you hear in Call of the Night are courtesy of Creepy Nuts, a hip-hop duo formed in 2013.

Call of the Night is the first anime the group have performed in, but it’s unlikely to be their last! Call of the Night’s opening and ending themes are two of the most popular songs this season and are available on most music streaming services.

Creepy Nuts also perform the insert songs that appear in specific episodes:

The duo also made a cameo in the anime in episode 6, during Nazuna and Kou’s visit to the night pool!

Who Made Call of the Night’s Soundtrack?

Who Made Call of the Night Soundtrack
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Much of the other sounds you hear during the anime are thanks to legendary sound director Eriko Kimura and musician Yoshiaki Dewa.

Eriko Kimura is one of the most well-respected sound directors in Japanese animation. She is hugely experienced and has spent decades performing the role for hit TV series and movies, including some Studio Ghibli films.

Yoshiaki Dewa, meanwhile, is a composer and arranger who can also play instruments. He was previously half of the J-Pop group Jyukai but has also been working in anime music for over 15 years.

Other Anime Soundtracks by Eriko Kimura and Yoshiaki Dewa

Anime Soundtrack Yoshiaki Dewa Call of the Night Star Wars Visions
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Eriko Kimura and Yoshiaki Dewa have great anime music back catalogues that are a joy to explore.

Much of Kimura’s recent work has been on Science SARU series, including the Netflix shows Devilman Crybaby and Japan Sinks:

Kimura was the sound director on the Science SARU anime Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! As you can hear from the trailer below, the music plays a leading role in the story, just as in Call of the Night.

Kimura was also the sound director on many of the recent Gundam movies.

Yoshiaki Dewa, meanwhile, worked on the music for the recent slice-of-life series The Aquatope on White Sand:

Dewa was also responsible for the soundtrack to Disney’s Star Wars: Visions episode Tattooine Rhapsody, which can be found on most music streaming services including Spotify.

Related: The Best Anime Opening Songs

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