Who Is the Strongest in the Yozakura Family? Members Ranked from Weakest to Strongest

Who Is the Strongest in the Yozakura Family? Members Ranked

Who Is the Strongest in the Yozakura Family? Members Ranked

Mission: Yozakura Family finally introduces the Yozakuras, a family of spies who have different personalities and specializations. From Mutsumi to Kyoichiro, here are the strongest members of the Yozakura family, ranked from weakest to strongest.

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Who Are the Members of the Yozakura Family?

strongest yozakura family members
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The members of the Yozakura family introduced in the first episode of the anime are Mutsumi, Kyoichiro, Futaba, Shion, Kengo, Shinzo, and Nanao.

They were later joined by Taiyo Asano, who married Mutsumi to save not only his life from Kyoichiro but also to protect Mutsumi.

Here are the strongest members of the Yozakura family, ranked from weakest to strongest:

  1. Shion Yozakura

    Shion is also known as The Computer Authority due to her superior hacking and technical abilities.

    Most of the time, she works behind the scenes, assisting her siblings by hacking into various devices and services.

    Shion, with her Blooming: Analysis skill, functions like a supercomputer, reading and comprehending data at lightning speed.

    When Shion tried to stop Kyoichiro from killing Taiyo, she also used drones to attack.

  2. Kengo Yozakura

    Kengo specializes in disguise, as demonstrated in episode 1 when he imitates Mutsumi to deceive Kyoichiro. He can shift not only his body into various shapes but also inanimate objects such as chairs.

    Interestingly, Kengo can generate a horde of clones to confuse and distract his opponents. He can also combine his clones so that he can punch opponents with a powerful fist.

  3. Shinzo Yozakura

    Of all the family members, Shinzo is the best when it comes to weapons, explosives, and the use of blades. But against Kyoichiro, his traps are easily destroyed despite his meticulous work.

    Still, Shinzo has a lot in store in his weaponized trash can, like a shapeshifting alloy, a powerful electric gun, gloves made from iron threads, and more.

  4. Nanao Yozakura

    In addition to his physical form, Nanao Yozakura has a mutant form. He has powerful regenerative healing skills that allow him to restore his limbs and neutralize toxins when he's in his mutated form.

    Nanao can also generate paralyzing gas as well as poison gas. He can also make slime which can use his talents out of his whiteblood cells.

  5. Futaba Yozakura

    Futaba Yozakura is the eldest daughter of the Yozakura family. She was the one who suggested that Taiyo marry Mutsumi to prevent Kyoichiro from interfering with their lives even more.

    At a glance, Futaba looks like a cute girl with her doll-like appearance, but in reality, she is a martial arts expert in the fields of aikido and jujitsu.

    Her eyes are trained to see fast movements, and her fists can take large amounts of force.

    Futaba can use the ability called Blooming: Magnanimity, which heightens her kinetic vision.

  6. Kyoichiro Yozakura

    Kyoichiro is widely regarded as the undisputed top male spy that female spies seek to target.

    He may be flawed as a person, but in terms of battle power and intelligence, he is regarded as the Yozakura family's top spy.

    As demonstrated in the first episode, he can overwhelm all of the siblings, from dismantling Shinzo's traps to dealing with Futaba and Mutsumi on his own.

    He also wields a special weapon known as a steel spider, which allows him to fend off and hurt his enemies.

  7. Mutsumi Yozakura

    Despite having no unique abilities or skills, Mutsumi is born as the Yozakura family's head.

    She is the only sibling who can create the protein someinine from her heart and give birth to a new generation of superhumans.

    Mutsumi can also give someone abilities by using her blood, as she did with Taiyo.

    Funny, Mutsumi's singing voice is so awful that it can knock people down and even kill plants!

    In addition, Mutsumi can create unique recipes with healing and enhancing benefits that can help her siblings complete their missions.

    If she dies, her heart and blood will not degrade as much.

  8. Taiyo Asano

    After marrying Mutsumi, Taiyo undergoes rigorous training from the other members of the Yozakura family, particularly Kyoichiro, resulting in his superhuman strength, swift reflexes, and so on.

    He also receives supernatural abilities thanks to the blood of both Mutsumi and Tsubomi.

    With the special protein called someinine in his blood, Taiyo can use blooming, an ability that allows him to control the solidity of his body, resulting in enhanced defensive and offensive capabilities.

    An extension of blooming called Profuse Blooming of 10,000 Flowers also allows Taiyo’s body to become raw power itself. It is so powerful that it can also pose a negative effect on Taiyo’s overall strength.

Who do you think is the strongest in the Yozakura family? Let us know in the comments below!

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