10 Romance Anime About Adults

10 Romance Anime About Adults Love Is Like a Cocktail
Credit: Creators in Pack

10 Romance Anime About Adults Love Is Like a Cocktail
Credit: Creators in Pack

The romance anime genre is crowded with stories of young, innocent, and playful love. So, if you’re looking for something more mature, here are 10 romance anime about adults that you should add to your watchlist!

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  1. Emma: A Victorian Romance

    This historical romance anime depicts the challenges of love between two people from different social classes.

    It also contains many anime cliches, yet its simple romance concept grows on viewers as the episodes progress.

    William Jones, a gorgeous, affluent man, falls in love with Emma, a youthful maid, in Emma: A Victorian Romance.

    Because of their different socioeconomic statuses, William and Emma confront a slew of challenges that will either make or break their romance!

    ALSO READ: The Best Historical Anime to Watch

  2. Love Is Like a Cocktail

    Love Is Like a Cocktail is a recommended watch if you're seeking something pleasant, quick, and easy to watch in romance anime.

    It may be a short anime with little space for development, but it's not surprisingly tedious or irritating to watch.

    It's also adorable to watch the two main characters connect with one another.

    True enough, love is like a cocktail, and this anime will quickly make you joyful and tipsy!

    Love Is Like a Cocktail is about newlyweds who bond over cocktails! Sora realizes that his wife, Misuzawa Chisato, enjoys drinking and becomes overtly moe when she does.

    From here on, Sora makes different kinds of cocktails for Chisato, and he enjoys seeing how adorable his wife is all the time!

  3. The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague

    A slow-burn romance comedy anime that is set in a workplace, The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague features Yokai descendants!

    It is an adorable anime that also features multiple couples in a workplace setup with no unnecessary drama or conflict!

    The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague follows Himuro-kun, a living descendant of the Snow Woman.

    On his first day at work, Himuro-kun encounters Fuyutsuki-san, a very eccentric yet kind ordinary human.

    When Himuro gets too close to Fuyutsuki, a snowstorm appears, and he completely freezes!

    Thus begins Himuro's quest to connect with Fuyutsuki, who has no idea about the latter's growing feelings!

  4. Natsuyuki Rendezvous

    Natsuyuki Rendezvous is a romance and josei anime that is full of emotions, realism, and depth. It is ideal for individuals who are tired of watching the same anime stereotypes.

    It has a mystical vibe to it, but the plot is really realistic and mature from beginning to end.

    Natsuyuki Rendezvous narrates the story of Ryousuke Hazuki, a young guy who is captivated by the beauty of a flower store owner.

    But Ryousuke was unaware that the ghost of Rokka Shimao's husband was still keeping an eye on his widow.

    What will happen to them? Will Ryousuke be able to capture Shimao's heart, or will a jealous ghost triumph?

  5. Skip Beat!

    It’s very unfortunate that Skip Beat! was never able to have a second season to finish its story.

    Despite this, Skip Beat! is a very funny romance and drama anime with a strong and likable protagonist who is simply amazing!

    Skip Beat! tells the story of Kyoko, a young woman committed to her revenge plan against the popular singer, Shotaro. She loved Shotaro the most, but everything ended in vain.

    From here on, Kyoko decides to exact revenge on Shotaro by entering showbiz.

    She pursues acting, and her first project requires her to ignite her capability to love again! But can Kyoko accomplish her main objective of humiliating Shotaro?

    ALSO READ: Anime That Deserve Another Season

  6. Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku

    Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku, or simply Wotakoi, is another workplace romance anime that follows the blossoming romance of a fujoshi and a gaming otaku.

    It's sweet and amusing, with likable characters that Otaku fans will enjoy connecting with!

    Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku follows Narumi Momose, a closet fujoshi who reunites with Hirotaka Nifuji, an old middle school friend who is aware of her secret.

    In a sudden turn of events, Narumi decides to date Nifuji after the latter makes him a tempting offer!

    Nifuji will not only assist Narumi in her daily activities, but he will also support her otaku interests.

    Will they be able to keep their awkward romance and hobbies hidden from their coworkers?

    ALSO READ: Best Work-Life Anime of All Time

  7. Nana

    Nana, a highly praised romance anime, follows the story of two people with the same first name. They are not the same, but they face similar challenges in life, love, and careers.

    Nana Komatsu and Nana Oosaki met by chance on a train going to Tokyo.

    Nana Komatsu wishes to start over with her boyfriend Shouji, whereas Nana Oosaki wishes to become a successful vocalist in order to join her guitarist boyfriend Ren.

    They ran into each other again after arriving in Tokyo and looking for a place to reside.

    They agreed to live together, and the Nanas create an unshakable friendship as they learn about each other's life aspirations.

  8. Spice and Wolf

    Spice and Wolf is a captivating romantic anime that also combines comedy and drama to soothe the audience's hearts!

    It has good character progression, a thrilling and beautiful setting, and entertaining talks about economics, complex markets, and trade.

    Join a young merchant named Kraft Lawrence and Holo, a beautiful wolf-like deity, as they go from one place to another to make intricate business deals.

    Together, the two of them engage in healthy and interesting conversations that eventually get them closer than ever!

  9. Maison Ikkoku

    Takahashi Rumiko’s Maison Ikkoku is a real masterpiece that inspired a lot of modern romance anime shows. It is a timeless classic anime that is ahead of its time, with characters that are well-written, developed, and realistic.

    This romance anime is set at Maison Ikkoku, a run-down boarding house where Yuusaku Godai, a 20-year-old college applicant, stays.

    He is not on good terms with the other tenants, and he was about to leave the boarding house when a new landlord arrived!

    Kyouko Otonashi is the new landlord of Maison Ikkoku, and she is a true beauty.

    However, at such a young age, she became a widow after her husband died shortly after their marriage.

    Yuusaki was interested in Kyouko, but then, an attractive, charming, and wealthy man named Mitaka Shun entered the picture and expressed his feelings for her!

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  10. Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

    Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is a science fiction anime that focuses on the romance between two outlaws. One is David Martinez, and the other is Lucy, both of whom are involved in the risky business of being edge runners.

    This sci-fi anime is eye candy, with everything done to perfection. David and Lucy's love story is effectively done, and it's a joy to watch them dream together despite their circumstances.

    ALSO READ: Who Dies and Who Survives in Cyberpunk: Edgerunners?

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