Zom 100 - Do Akira and Shizuka End Up Together?

Do Akira and Shizuka End Up Together in Zom 100?
Credit: Haro Aso / Kotaro Takata / Viz Media / Bug Films

Do Akira and Shizuka End Up Together in Zom 100?
Credit: Haro Aso / Kotaro Takata / Viz Media / Bug Films

In a world infested with zombies, Akira Tendou yearns to fall in love with the girl of his dreams. Akira finds it difficult to find love due to the outbreak until he meets the beautiful risk analyst, Shizuka Mikasuki. So, do Akira and Shizuka end up together in Zom 100?

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead is a dystopian, comedy, and horror anime.

It revolves around a corporate slave named Akira Tendou, who wants to check off all the items on his bucket list after the zombie outbreak pushed humanity to extinction.

Spoiler Warning: This article contains spoilers from the Zom 100 manga.

ALSO READ: Everything You Need to Know About the Zom 100 Anime!

Who Is Akira’s Love Interest in Zom 100?

Shizuka Mikasuki is Akira's love interest in Zom 100. But before he met Shizuka, Akira was madly in love with Saori Ohtori, one of his coworkers at their production company.

Akira is an ordinary man who aspires to be successful in a production company.

However, on his first day of work, Akira discovered that his dream job was a living nightmare. Akira, along with his peers, works long hours in their jobs like a zombie.

Only Saori motivated Akira to complete all of his tasks. She was a sweet and compassionate woman who was always looking out for Akira. Unfortunately for Akira, Saori is also the department chief's sidekick.

When the zombie outbreak happened, Akira believed he could save Saori and take her to safety.

He even went to Saori's apartment to assist her, but it was too late. Saori has already been bitten and zombiefied.

Who Is Akira’s Love Interest in Zom 100?
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Going forward, Akira reunited with his close friend, Kencho. During one of their endeavors, Akira gets infatuated with a flight attendant named Yukari, who already has a boyfriend.

They spend the night drinking tequila, exchanging stories, and so on.

But all good things come to an end. One of the survivors was secretly bitten by a zombie, and he turned.

He bit one of the flight attendants, and the situation escalated quickly. The next thing Akira knew, Yukari had been bitten as well.

But before all of this, Akira ran across Shizuka Mikasuki on one of his frequent outings to the convenience store.

He fell in love with Shizuka right away because of her sass and beauty, but she refuses to date him.

She also refuses to share phone numbers because she sees no benefit in collaborating with Akira!

In a nutshell, they are diametrically opposed! While Akira is a carefree and impetuous zombie survivor, Shizuka is a very cautious young lady who considers risk in everything she does.

They split up after this episode, but fate intervened, and the two of them were reunited. Akira not only saved Shizuka's life, but he also managed to win her favor.

Since then, Akira and Shizuka, along with Kencho and Beatrix, have become travel companions as they try to turn the situation around while ticking off all the items on their bucket lists.

ALSO READ: Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead Anime to Air on Hulu and Netflix This July

Will Akira Ever Get a Girlfriend in Zom 100?

For now, Akira is still single and available. However, Akira has his eyes set on Shizuka.

He likes her more than anything in the world, although he still has time to look at other beautiful girls.

It’s a huge red flag, but Akira is still a man who can’t help his otherworldly urges.

The same goes with Kencho, who is a certified ladies’ man. He has a huge influence on Akira, and the two of them go to places where there are tons of beautiful girls who can make them comfortable and feel loved.

For instance, Kencho and Akira, along with Takemina, even went to a Geisha’s teahouse. There, they fooled around with the maikos and drank booze, all the while flirting with each other.

If only Shizuka can see this side of Akira, all hell will surely break loose, and Akira’s dream of having a girlfriend will surely be in vain!

ALSO READ: Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead Announces English Dub Cast, Release Date

Does Shizuka Like Akira in Zom 100?

Does Shizuka Like Akira in Zom 100?
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Shizuka likes Akira, but she still doesn’t admit it to herself. She’s in the denial stage because she’s not yet sure of her feelings for Akira.

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At first, Shizuka detests Akira, especially his way of thinking. She believes that Akira is reckless, and he will only bring danger to her. But as time passed and the two of them spent time together, Shizuka grew fond of Akira.

She began to see Akira in a different light. She loves how optimistic Akira is and how he never gives up in the face of imminent danger. She also loves how Akira helps other people in his own way.

Gradually, Shizuka trusted Akira’s ways. She even abandoned her calculated way of life and adapted to Akira’s.

To put it simply, Shizuka began to mirror Akira’s actions, which is a sign that there’s something between the two of them.

READ MORE: Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead Live-Action Gets August Netflix Release

Do Akira and Shizuka End Up Together in Zom 100?

As of writing, Akira and Shizuka are still friends. They are not yet dating, but there’s an obvious romantic tension between the two of them.

Akira thinks that Shizuka is the girl of her dreams. In fact, Akira even checked the item on his bucket list, which says something about meeting the girl of her dreams.

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This is after Shizuka survived a zombie infection, which worried Akira the most.

On the contrary, Shizuka has been very open to Akira. She can say anything to him, including her past, her feelings, her hopes, and even her dreams.

Do Akira and Shizuka End Up Together in Zom 100?
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She even said that she wants to fall in love with a man to whom she can safely open herself up, which gives Akira an advantage.

So far, Akira and Shizuka have a very good relationship. Shizuka even promised that she would stay with Akira till the end, even though she was actually referring to their bucket list.

If this keeps on going, it’ll only take a while before the two of them give in to their feelings and confess.

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