Blue Beetle Will Feature Reference to Henry Cavill's Superman

Blue Beetle
Credit: Warner Bros.

Blue Beetle
Credit: Warner Bros.

The new DCEU film Blue Beetle is finally arriving in theaters this week and fans have been looking forward to seeing the beloved hero's big-screen debut after decades of being a fan-favorite in the comics.

The film is also groundbreaking since it is the first Latino-led superhero movie in the DC franchise and the hero is considered to be the first character in the new DCU under James Gunn and Peter Safran.

Considering that it is still technically part of the DCEU, there has been some curiosity about whether it will feature some easter eggs and references to the previous entries in the franchise and perhaps even feature cameos from other heroes.

So far, the trailers that they released are indicating that it is going to be a standalone entry and won't have any appearances of other characters from previous movies.

However, it looks like the film will still have some references to the past events of the DCEU.

Blue Beetle to Include Man of Steel Reference

Henry Cavill as Superman
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Credit: Warner Bros.

In an interview with journalist Nestor Bencanor (via The Direct), Blue Beetle director Angel Manuel Soto revealed that his film will have a reference to Zack Snyder's Man of Steel where Henry Cavill made his debut as Superman.

He explained that its reference to the first DCEU movie was done "out of honor and respect" and Snyder's films were an influence on his direction of the new movie.

"Waking up in Mexico to the news that [Zack] Snyder wants to see it too, a director that I respect so much, that his films are an immense influence… Even in Blue Beetle, there are some references to Man of Steel that we made out of honor and respect for the work and art of Zack Snyder," he said.

"Also, seeing David Ayer sharing it… It’s like, ‘WOW, brother!’ How nice it feels to have that support from people that one respects and that the fans also respect."

It is unknown yet how the film will make a reference to the film whether it is the stylistic choices in the action sequences, easter eggs to its events, or mention of the existence of Cavill's Superman, who is still part of the DCEU before the upcoming reboot.

Either way, it is great to see that they'll pay some homage to the film that started this iteration of the franchise.

What makes it exciting is that Snyder himself has also publicly shown his excitement for the movie despite already being out of the franchise.

There is a likelihood that the film will make more references to the DCEU aside from Man of Steel and it is interesting to see how they will exactly handle that, especially if the character will transition into the upcoming reboot.

Blue Beetle is set to arrive in North American theaters this Friday, August 18.

Also Read: Blue Beetle First Reactions Are In: "Mostly a Blast," "Incredibly Good"

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