X-Men: Days of Future Past Actress in Trouble For Chinese Tax Evasion Scandal

Fan Bingbing, the famous Chinese actress who played Blink in X-Men: Days of Future Past, is in huge trouble with the law after a Chinese TV presented outed her for making false claims on her taxes. As Deadline reports, Chinese TV presenter Cui Yongyuan shared several images on social media that revealed Binbing signing different contracts for the same job. The actress is being accused of submitting the contract with the smaller amount for tax purposes, but actually signing a much bigger deal to avoid paying out more taxes.

Fan has denied such claims and hired lawyers to defend her but apparently, this well-known practice of signing multiple contracts for the same job known as "yin-yang" contracts has sparked the Chinese government crackdown.

Fan, who's considered a huge star in her native China, was cast in Simon Kinberg's spy sisterhood thriller 355 alongside Penelope Cruz and Jessica Chastain. Forbes listed Fan as the fifth-highest paid actress in 2016, with earnings of about $17 million. There's still no word on whether or not she will reprise her role as Blink but if the Chinese government finds her guilty, we probably won't see her in a Marvel film ever.

Watch her in action in this fight scene:

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