Star Wars: The Last Jedi’s Novelization Hints At Even More Weapons From The First Order

The First Order's Starkiller base might have been destroyed by the end of Star Wars: The Force Awakens but the rump state and military dictatorship came back chasing the Resistance with an entire fleet of Star Destroyers along with the Supremacy, a Mega-class Star Dreadnought that served as Snoke's flagship and mobile headquarters.

However, while Holdo's ( Laura Dern) cruiser cut right through the 60 kilometer long Dreadnought in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the novelization of Lucasfilm's latest sequel trilogy installment promises even more surprises from the First Order (via Screen Rant).

In one chapter of the book (via Screen Rant) Star Wars get to learn about Finn (John Boyega) feeling guilty over the Supremacy, knowing of the ship's existence and the existence of "so many other things he'd seen in his years of First Order service."

"Finn realized he felt guilty. He'd known what the Resistance hadn't; that the Supremacy was out there somewhere, lurking in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. Just as he'd known about so many other things he'd seen in his years of First Order service."

Of course, Finn didn't have time to tell the Resistance – the moment he was on board he had to get Bacta treatment after being wounded while fighting Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) on Starkiller Base.

Another tidbit in the book that hints that the First Order has even more firepower out in Lucasfilm's galaxy far, far away is when Hux thinks about how the destruction of the Starkiller Base wasn't actually as big a setback as some thought.

"And in the meantime, the First Order had no shortage of other weapons – including ones Imperial commanders such as Peavey had only dreamed of."

Guess the Resistance is going to have to fight especially hard in Star Wars: Episode IX. We wonder what the First Order has in store.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi's Digital HD release is on March 13. The film's Blu-Ray and DVD release hits March 27.

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