Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Luke Does Not Know Who Rey Is

Since Rey's history is one of the more mysterious elements of The Force Awakens, a lot of fan theories have been popping up on her heritage and how she ended up on Jakku. With her meeting Luke Skywalker in the end of the movie, you'd think that Luke was showing a face that portrayed familiarity, but that simply wasn't the case.

According to Daisy Ridley, upon their first meeting, Luke will have no idea who Rey is. Fandango's Erik Davis posted this short interview up on Twitter:

So many fan theories have been guessing that Luke already knew who Rey was when they first met. They were even guessing that Luke was the one who left her on Jakku to save her from Kylo and the Knights of Ren, but I guess we'll just have to enjoy the story and keep guessing as the sequel trilogy trudges along.

My favorite theory so far is that Rey is actually a Kenobi who is a distant descendant of Obi-Wan. This would give the clash between her and Kylo so much more depth as it would parallel the rivalry between Anakin and Obi-Wan. Light versus Dark, Good versus Evil.

Then again, I would just hate it if any of the fan theories have turned out to be true. I want to keep myself surprised in the cinema. Hopefully Rian Johnson has something unexpected up his sleeve.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi will come out Dec. 15.

See Also: Mark Hamill Teases Luke's Relationship With Rey in Star Wars: The Last Jedi

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