Punisher Creator Says Jon Bernthal’s Version Of The Punisher Is His Favorite

It looks like Punisher co-creator Gerry Conway loves Jon Bernthal's version of Frank Castle.

Conway spoke with Screen Geek at the New York Comic Con last weekend and the comic book writer was happy to admit that the Marvel TV star's version of The Punisher is actually his most favorite version of the character.

According to the Punisher comic creator, Bernthal knows how to portray Castle's rugged demeanor and the internal angst that comes with the character.

"Jon Bernthal gives The Punisher the kind of pathos that's underneath the tough guy, and I really like that."

Conway isn't the only one who enjoys Bernthal's performance as the vigilante. A lot of fans love Bernthal as The Punisher, enjoying his appearance in the second season of Marvel Netflix's Daredevil.

It doesn't come as a surprise. The television star did previously tell GQ that though he had no interest in being part of any superhero series, the Punisher's tortured soul somehow resonated with him.

" You know, this whole superhero-comic-book thing is something I had zero interest in being a part of. The guys that I really, really respect as actors seem to have kind of purposely stayed away from that. I don't mean that I'm above that or anything, just that it was not for me. But then when I got to know a little bit about this character… He ain't got a fucking cape. He ain't got any superpowers. He's a fucking tortured, angry father and husband who's living in this unbelievable world of darkness and loss and torment. Frank Castle resonates with me."

We're definitely excited to see more of Bernthal in The Punisher later this year. Marvel has been teasing an exploration of Castle's past as a military man, and it looks like the Punisher's going to uncover a deep conspiracy.

The Punisher has no release date just yet, but the show is expected to come out this fall.

Read: Marvel TV Pushes Back The Punisher's Launch Date

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