Michael K. Williams Regrets that His Part in Solo: A Star Wars Story was Cut

Michael K. Williams was cast in Solo: A Star Wars Story and had wrapped up all of his parts before Phil Lord and Chris Miller were fired. With Ron Howard taking over, Williams was then too busy to come back and reshoot his parts, resulting in his role in the film being cut. Williams was recently asked about his involvement with the film, and he's expressed his regret over fans not getting to see what he worked on.

Talking to EW Morning Live, Willaims said:

"What saddens me most is I was very proud of the work that I did. What I believe I have created with Emilia Clarke and Woody Harrelson and Alden [Ehrenreich, who plays Solo]… I thought it was some great work. We was on the spaceship, and we all had these amazing scenes together, and I thought it was a great opportunity, and I thought it was some great stuff. It's unfortunate the world won't get to see it."

Willaims was originally set to play a human/alien crime boss named Dryden Vos, but because he wasn't able to come back to do reshoots, Ron Howard has asked Paul Bettany to replace Williams instead, with the character turning out as a simple human.

Anyone who's familiar with Williams' work knows he can play one intimidating character, be it Chalky from Boardwalk Empire or Omar from The Wire. Now that I know he was playing a crime lord, Paul Bettany kind of pales in comparison to what Williams could have brought to the role. I'm sure Bettany will do a good job, I just kind of wish I saw Williams' version.

Is it too much to ask for it to be in a bonus feature on the Blu-Ray?

Solo: A Star Wars Story comes out May 25.

See Also: Check Out This New IMAX Poster For Solo: Star Wars Story

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