Magic: The Gathering Art Plagiarized By Shadowverse Artist

Image: Wizards of the Coast/Illus. Cliff Childs

A piece of Magic: The Gathering artwork has been plagiarized by an artist who did work for Shadowverse, the most popular mobile collectible card game in Japan. As you can see below, the Shadowverse "Holy Purebomb" art by Frey Wong used Cliff Child's illustration of the MTG card Godless Shrine as the background for it. Wong just added a massive golden bomb at the center but it's clear that it wasn't just a borrowed concept, the same image was used here, as Redditor MitsunekoLucky points out:

Godless Shrine is still seeing play in Constructed formats like Modern, so maybe someone who was both an MTG and Shadowverse player quickly recognized the art.

Neither Cygames (Shadowverse developer) or Wizards of the Coast (Magic: The Gathering publisher) have responded to this plagiarism. Wong's art probably slipped through and got approved unknowingly. Maybe Cygames will quickly replace the art with an original piece and make Wong face the consequences.

Read more: The Creator of Magic: The Gathering is Working on Valve's Artifact

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