Mackenzie Davis is the New Face of the Terminator Franchise

Though James Cameron is busy working on the next handful of Avatar movies, he's also taken the time to produce a sixth Terminator movie which will be directed by Deadpool's Tim Miller. The film promises to bring in a whole new cast as the center of the franchise, and now they've cast the lead.

According to Variety, Mackenzie Davis (Black Mirror, Blade Runner 2049, The Martian) has been cast as the new "face" of the franchise. With Sarah Connor being the face of the earlier Terminator films, I'm guessing Davis' character will also be another gun-toting badass of a woman.

Though some may guess that Davis is playing a younger Sarah Connor, I would personally prefer if the franchise just followed someone new. We know that the original Sarah Connor Linda Hamilton will be back for this movie, and she'll also be joined by everyone's favorite T-800, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

We don't have much details for what's going to happen for Terminator 6, but a lot of fans are guessing that they will ignore everything from Terminator 3 up to Terminator: Genisys. Hopefully Miller and Cameron come up with the proper way to update the franchise, then again, with fans being what they are, there really is no pleasing everyone.

Terminator 6 is slated for a release on July 26, 2019.

See Also: Terminator 6 Starts Filming in June

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