Kid Opens Playstation 4 On Christmas, Gets Block Of Wood With Genitalia Drawing Instead

Christmas wasn't so merry for a family in Massachusetts when a young boy openeed a present that he thought was a Playstation 4. Once he ripped open the box, however, the nine-year-old saw that a block of wood with an image of a male genitalia drawn on it.

The local Fox channel covered this story of a holiday gone terribly wrong for a family in Massachusetts, which came from from Kristin Lundy's Facebook page.

According to the original story, Lundy's son tore into a Christmas morning present to find a box for a Playstation 4 that was apparently purchased at a Target store in Saugus. When the boy opened the box, Lundy reports that he shouted "Yes, this is the best Christmas ever," before asking his father to hook up his console immediately.

When the box was opened, however, the family saw a block of wood with screws in it, as well as an illustration of a male genitalia and the message: "From cock and balls, with love."

Lundy said that her cousin discovered a similar "PlayStation 4" this holiday season, so apparently this isn't the first tampered product. As for the boy who received the gift, it was very devastating as Lundy said that it has "ruined his belief in Santa".

Despite the boy's belief in Santa being shattered, the Target store replaced the block of wood with a new console that included Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, as well as a $100 gift cad to the store. Speaking to Fox, Lundy reported that he had retreated to the playroom and was crying, not wanting to be bothered by anyone.

How could that possibly happen? Did one of the employees sneak it in? Or did a customer return it with the block of wood? If so, how was the thief able to do it without being caught. So far, no leads have been discovered so far.

Hopfully, no other kid got his belief ruined by this nonsense.

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