John Boyega Talks About Star Wars Fans Wanting Finn And Poe Romance

Finn (John Boyega) and Poe (Oscar Isaacs) might not be an official Star Wars couple yet, but a number of Star Wars fans are hoping to see the two sequel trilogy heroes get together on the big screen in any future Star Wars film.

Though some in the franchise are against the thought of Finn and Poe hitting it off in Star Wars: The Last Jedi or Star Wars: Episode IX, Boyega's pretty supportive, and in an interview with Metro, the British actor decided to speak about Star Wars fans rallying for the relationship.

"I think that Oscar is always looking at me with love in his eyes, and I guess that the fans saw it. And then they realized that either he needs to chill or come out," Boyega said.

Of course, though Boyega's pretty supportive of the supposed romance between his character and the Resistance's ace pilot, Lucasfilm's still in charge of the sequel trilogy's direction. Finn and Poe won't be spending a lot of screen time together in The Last Jedi, so that means that it isn't likely that love will blossom between the two this December. That doesn't mean that there isn't a chance that it could develop in the future though. Maybe Episode 9.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi premieres December 15, 2017.

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