Gwendoline Christie Wants Captain Phasma to Come Back for Star Wars Episode IX

Probably one of the biggest letdowns in Star Wars: The Last Jedi was the fact that Captain Phasma was once again a useless character, but a lot of fans have chosen to swallow that pill and are holding out that she survives to appear in Episode IX. As it turns out, even actress Gwendoline Christie wants Phasma to return, but she has no idea if she'll be asked to come back.

Talking to Celebretainment, Christie explains:

"In truth I don't know. And that scares and upsets me because I really want to see this character explored. I'm actually very invested in the character now… And that's genuine. That's not just chat. It has opened up a chain of stories and events in my mind about who Phasma is."

Despite not having much to do in the films, Phasma has a very deep backstory in the expanded universe, and a lot of fans were ultimately disappointed to see her "fall to her death" in TLJ. The good news is, director Rian Johnson has given hope that Phasma could come back in the last movie, jokingly saying:

"Phasma is the Kenny from South Park of this series."

Personally, I think that Phasma will survive somehow, and we'll get to see her return with a lot more anger in Episode IX. When it comes to defying fan expectations, Johnson had definitely pulled the rug from under the fans. Snoke unceremoniously dies, Rey's parents are nobodies, and Phasma still ended up being useless.

Let's hope that J.J. Abrams remedies the last problem in Star Wars Episode IX when it comes out December 2019.

See Also: Star Wars The Last Jedi: Rian Johnson Teases That [SPOILER] Might Still Be Alive

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