Fans Petition for Walt Disney Studios to Officially Recognize Leia as a Disney Princess in Honor of Carrie Fisher

From Lightsaber vigils to Star Wars Old Republic Alderaan gatherings, fans have found different ways to honor Carrie Fisher's untimely death last December. Now, some are petitioning for the induction of Star Wars' feisty and spirited Alderaan Princess into the roster of official Disney Princesses – an honor long due Leia ever since Disney had purchased the Star Wars franchise.

Though some assume that Leia is already a part of the list of Disney Princesses like Mulan, Rapunzel and Moana, it seems like a few rules have been keeping the spunky Star Wars Princess from joining Disney's lineup. Only animated Princessess are part of Disney's roster, and since Leia started out in a live-action film, it seems like they just can't have her joining the set.

Organized by Cody Christensen, the petition asks Walt Disney's CEO, Bob Iger to reconsider the rules that keep Leia from becoming an official Disney Princess in light of Fisher's passing. Titled Make Leia an official Disney princess on, the appeal has gathered more than 17,000 supporters – a number not far off from its 25,000 goal.

The petition letter reads:

After the tragic loss of Carrie Fisher, we feel that it is only fitting for Disney to do away with the rule that an official Disney princess must be animated and make Leia a full-fledged princess. This would be a wonderful way to remember Carrie and a welcoming to one of Disney's new properties that is beloved by millions.

What we are asking is that the Walt Disney Corporation hold a full ceremony inducting Leia as the newest Disney princess as well as a special service in memory of Carrie Fisher.

Given the enthusiasm of fans, the petition just might move Iger and the rest of the big wigs at Disney to induct Leia into its list of Princesses. After all, what better way to honor Fisher than to make her character an official Disney Princess. Sign the petition now if you think so too.

Read: Billie Lourd Speaks About the Loss of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds

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