Check Out Thanos’ Full Armor For Avengers: Infinity War

It looks like Marvel fans have a new look at Thanos full armor in Avengers: Infinity War thanks to a new toy tied together with the first installment of Anthony and Joe Russo's two-part Avengers movie.

Though fans have yet to see Thanos in full armor in the different previews for Infinity War, it seems like a new Infinity War figure has given fans their first look at the full suit of the Mad Titan as he stands alongside Iron Man in a new Marvel kit. Shared by Reddit user realityavengers, the armor is far different from the prototype that fans got to see in the first Guardians of the Galaxy. There's a lot of gold detailing this new suit and there's an interesting chest piece sitting right in the middle of the suit.

Thano's helmet also seems to be attached to his body armor in this new costume.

Check out the outfit down here:

The Mad Titan certainly looks a lot more intimidating with his armor on, though he's still a force to reckon with, even in his casual attire. In previous interviews, co-director Joe Russo explained why Thanos had a casual outfit on in the first few previews Infinity War, saying that the costume fits his personal story arc in the film.

"Once he starts acquiring the Stones, he doesn't need armor in the same way he did when he was a warlord."

We wonder at what point we'll get to see Thanos wearing his armor in the movie.

Avengers: Infinity War premieres on May 4, 2018.

Read: Disney Channel To Air New Avengers: Infinity War Sneak Peek For Its "Night Of Heroes"

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