Carrie Fisher Rewrote A Line In Leia And Holdo’s Goodbye Scene In The Last Jedi

Warning: This article contains spoilers for Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Most Star Wars fans might know Carrie Fisher for her iconic role as Princess Leia, but aside from being a Star Wars legend the actress was also a great writer, taking in multiple writing projects.

Because of her skills as a writer, Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson more often than not followed the advice Fisher would have for certain scenes, one of which was the moment shared between General Organa and Vice Admiral Holdo (Laura Dern).

Those who've already seen The Last Jedi might remember that scene where Holdo decides to stay behind to pilot the cruiser while Leia and the rest of the Resistance evacuate to the mineral planet Crait. According to Johnson, Fisher added a line to emphasize that Leia and Holdo had known each other for a while.

Speaking in an interview with the LA Times, the director talked about the scene, admitting that he had to rewrite the moment between Leia and Holdo to pay tribute to Fisher.

"I rewrote that scene with those two actors. Laura really wanted to find a way to pay tribute to Carrie and what Leia meant to her growing up, and that's where that moment came from. And the [response to Holdo attempting to say "May the force be with you"], ‘I've said it enough, you go ahead' — that was Carrie's line."

It's a very giving line, and it's interesting to learn that that moment of tenderness where Leia allowed another to tell her "May the Force be with you," came from Fisher herself. Though The Last Jedi didn't really send Leia off, it did have its way of paying tribute to the Star Wars legend.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is currently screening in cinemas.

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