Upcoming Marvel Miniseries will have Twice the Budget of a Regular Marvel Show

Disney is currently working on a Star Wars series called The Mandalorian for their streaming service, but Marvel Studios is also going to be producing some high-budget miniseries based on characters like Loki, Scarlet Witch, and Vision. As it turns out, we have an approximate budget for each of the upcoming shows on Disney+, and Marvel is planning on spending a lot.

According to DiscussingFilm, Marvel Studios is planning to dish out $100 million each for a 6­­–8 episode limited miniseries. To put into context, that's the same budget as the upcoming Star Wars: The Mandalorian series as well as the final season of Game of Thrones. That's also almost twice the budget of a Marvel Netflix series, what with the first season of Daredevil costing $56 million.

This huge budget may be good news for some fans. If you follow any of the Marvel shows now, you'll always notice that there's a certain drop in quality; that's because each show actually has ABC pulling the strings. With a high budget and the direct involvement of Marvel Studios, we could be looking at an MCU miniseries with the quality of an actual movie.

We don't know which miniseries Marvel wants to work on first, but we have gotten news of plans for Vision and Scarlet Witch, Bucky and Falcon, Loki, plus Rocket and Groot. There also news about a show focused on Thor's friend Lady Sif. Maybe it can explain where she went during the events of Thor: Ragnarok.

We don't know when (or what) the first Marvel miniseries will come out on Disney+, but my guess is it will arrive sometime next year, what with The Mandalorian releasing this year.

See Also: Jaimie Alexander's Lady Sif Might Get Her Own Disney+ Series

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