Star Wars: Battlefront II Community Calendar Confirms ‘Chosen One’ Update

This is another big month for Star Wars Battlefront II as February will mark the arrival of a one Anakin Skywalker to the hero roster. The community calendar just dropped, and it confirms a bunch of special events plus the specific date when Anakin arrives.

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via: EA Star Wars/Reddit

As per the calendar, we should expect Anakin to drop by Feb. 27. Besides him, we'll also be getting two new clone skins as well as the armored appearance for the officer class of clones. The following weekend will see a rotation of only Clone Wars era maps to commemorate the arrival of The Chosen One.

There was also talk that a new game mode would be arriving this month, but based on the calendar, it looks like it's been delayed. The mode was supposed to introduce capture points from the original Battlefront game, plus something that's been hotly anticipated—capital ship takedowns.

We don't know when the game mode is arriving now, but seeing as they thought it would be ready by February, the release could be pretty close. While some may cry foul at EA for delaying updates once again, I say it's best to be patient and allow the devs to polish the game mode as well as they could. It would be terrible if they ended up releasing something on time but it was filled with bugs.

Star Wars Battlefront II is now playable for Xbox One, PC, and PS4. The Anakin update comes Feb. 27.

See Also: Star Wars Battlefront II: Check Out Count Dooku's Dark Ritual Skin

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