DCU's Doom Patrol: First Look at Brendan Fraser as Robot Man

DC's streaming service launched with the Titans television show, but next year will see a lot more original content coming to DC Universe. Besides the animated Harley Quinn, show, we're also getting a series called Doom Patrol, and now we have a look at Brendan Fraser as classic character Robot Man.

Check him out:

Disappointingly, Fraser will only be appearing in the pilot of Doom Patrol and he will be joined by other big names like Timothy Dalton (The Chief) as well as Alan Tudyk (Mr. Nobody/Negative Man). My guess is we're going to see an earlier incarnation of the team, then we will flash forward into the present where we follow the younger roster which includes Negative Man, Elasti-Girl, Crazy Jane, and Cyborg.

When the first Doom Patrol comics came out back in the 60s, it was admittedly not as well-received as other DC titles seeing that a lot of people have been comparing the title to X-Men. Where else would you get a series about a bunch of ‘freak' misfits who are lead by a man in a wheelchair? Doom Patrol has admittedly gotten a new rise to popularity, though, thanks to the work of Gerard Way. I'm guessing this incarnation of the team is going to be based on the updated roster.

Here's a series description:

A re-imagining of one of DC's most beloved group of outcast Super Heroes: Robotman, Negative Man, Elasti-Girl and Crazy Jane, led by modern-day mad scientist Dr. Niles Caulder (The Chief). The Doom Patrol's members each suffered horrible accidents that gave them superhuman abilities - but also left them scarred and disfigured. Traumatized and downtrodden, the team found purpose through The Chief, who brought them together to investigate the weirdest phenomena in existence - and to protect Earth from what they find. Part support group, part Super Hero team, the Doom Patrol is a band of super-powered freaks who fight for a world that wants nothing to do with them. Picking up after the events of Titans, Doom Patrol will find these reluctant heroes in a place they never expected to be, called to action by none other than Cyborg, who comes to them with a mission hard to refuse, but with a warning that is hard to ignore: their lives will never, ever be the same

Doom Patrol debuts on DC Universe sometime in 2019.

See Also: DC Universe's Stargirl Officially Casts Nickelodeon Star As Courtney Whitmore

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