Zack Snyder Claims Star Wars: The Force Awakens Has More Collateral Damage Than Man of Steel

Zack Snyder's 2013 fim Man of Steel was criticized for his handling of the film's climax that didn't hold back on the amount of collateral damage unleashed.

Now, the director of the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is saying that Star Wars: The Force Awakens actually had more collateral damage than Man of Steel.

Here's the pertinent part from a Wall Street Journal story:

Snyder was mystified when someone told him that they couldn't think of a movie in recent memory that's had as much collateral damage as "Man of Steel." "I went, really? And I said, well, what about ['Star Wars: The Force Awakens']?" the director says. "In ‘Star Wars' they destroy five planets with billions of people on them. That's gotta be one of the highest death toll movies in history, the new ‘Star Wars' movie, if you just do the math."

It seems that Snyder was just reacting to someone's claim that Man of Steel's collateral damage was unprecedented.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will be released this Friday.

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