The Last of Us Part II Story Trailer Continues Ellie's Descent

Sony's The Last of Us Part II Story Trailer is here and though it's vague on details, the game should excite players who have managed to steer clear of spoilers. We're also sure that this trailer will be used by those who have seen/read the spoilers to see how accurate they are so they can have fun with this, I suppose. There's a lot to get into here so if you loved the first game, you'll probably love the second.

While the game mostly focuses on an adult Ellie after the events of the first game, we do get a quick sequence set in the original title's time period where Joel fulfills his promise and sings to young Ellie. It's a great piece of continuity from the first game and we're sure fans are going to get emotional over that, especially since many of us feel that Joel is going to pay for his actions from the first game in one way or another.

Keep in mind that this writer has not seen the spoilers and won't be reading them anytime soon, at least until the game has come out. He's just making assumptions based on his experience with the first game.

There's some new gameplay here too but it's not a huge evolution or anything like that. The Last of Us Part II plays very similarly to The Last of Us so if you were expecting to see Ellie get heat vision or something like that, you're playing the wrong franchise.

Now that the game has gone gold, The Last of Us Part II will most definitely come out on June 19 for the PS4.

Read: Troy Baker Has Hopes for HBO's The Last of Us but Thinks the Game is Better

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