The Flash’s Gypsy Will Have an Interesting Connection With Cisco

More than the progress with Iris's fate, another thing that The Flash fans are looking forward to is the awaited meeting of Cisco and Gypsy following her arrival on Earth-01.

And as much as we are excited about the possibilities that this can bring to our beloved Cisco, there's someone else who's just as excited about Gypsy's arrival to the show.

Gypsy actress Jessica Camacho revealed to Collider that what makes her a fun character to play is the gray area that she operates in: the not-so-hero character operating with a not-so-heroic moral compass. After all, Gypsy is a bounty hunter from Earth-19 here to capture H.R. Wells following his inter-dimensional travel.

This means Gypsy is totally not your average damsel. If anything, she's more than capable of standing her own ground, going so far as to go against Team Flash for being obstacles in her way of capturing H.R.

But if there's something—or someone—who could stop her, it has to be Cisco. According to Camacho, Cisco was the "last thing in the world she expects to have happen" during her mission, which is kind of cute, if you think about it.

"Right off the bat, they have something in common. And then, it's the way that he stands up to her. She also thinks he's cute. I think she's just intrigued by him. Cisco is so unique. Cisco is just so Cisco. From the get-go, she recognizes that there's something different and really unique about this guy, and she wants to know what it is."

Add the fact that she's not the type of girl who becomes close to anybody so easily, and we have ourselves a badass girl and a smartass funny guy.

Catch Gypsy and the rest of the team in The Flash, Tuesday nights on The CW.

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