The Flash Director Confirms Major Flashpoint Plotline will be Featured in DCEU Film

It's no secret that The Flash movie will adapt the Flashpoint comic book storyline. But which important details will be featured in the highly-anticipated DC Extended Universe flick? Director Andy Muschietti has just revealed that one of Barry Allen's most shocking decisions will be explored in the Ezra Miller film.

Muschietti was recently a guest in an Argentinian radio show Orden 67 on Metro 95.1 where he spoke about his upcoming high-profile project. The IT: Chapter 2 director stated that "it is a very special story. Yes, it is a superhero movie, but it has a heart and a soul, it has emotion." He then revealed a key detail about what happens in The Flash.

"It is a story of time travel: Flash travels back to try to save his mother. It is a spectacular action movie but it has a big heart," Muschietti said.

This isn't a huge surprise for fans who are already familiar with Flashpoint. After all, the whole reason why a new timeline was created was that Barry decided to go back in time to save Nora Allen. For now, people can rest assured that this will happen in The Flash but there could be a huge difference from the comics if Michael Keaton's Bruce Wayne will still be the Batman in the new timeline. In the comics, Bruce was killed in the alleyway while his father Thomas Wayne went on to become Batman.

Are you already looking forward to The Flash? What part of Flashpoint are you expecting to see in the film? Sound off in the comments below.

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