Star Wars: Rogue One Will Take Place Before The Original Trilogy, Synopsis Revealed

At Star Wars Celebration Anaheim on Sunday, Lucasfilm brought Godzilla director Gareth Edwards to talk about his upcoming standalone film Star Wars: Rogue One. Josh Trank was scheduled to be on the panel but didn't make it .

Head of the story group Kiri Hart announced that the stand-alone films will be officially referred to as "Star Wars Anthology Films."

Then Gareth Edwards joined the panel and admitted to crying during the trailer reveal for The Force Awakens.

A teaser was revealed: December 2016. Obi-Wan Kenobi's voiceover, as portrayed by Sir Alec Guinnes, ran over the trailer. "For more than a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the old republic." "Before the dark times." A forested planet appears, a TIE fighter flies by, and in the background, the Death Star is seen. A loud scared chatter over a com, then the logo: Rogue One: Star Wars Anthology

Here's the official synopsis for the film:

A rogue band of resistance fighters unite for a mission to steal the Death Star plans and bring a new hope to the galaxy." Edwards confirmed that it takes place after Episode III, before Episode IV, and "closer to Episode IV.

Edwards said that the film will not feature the Jedi - their absence is a part of the narrative, and that the idea of a regular group of people without supernatural powers trying to better their universe is what's interesting.

Star Wars: Rogue One is set to release on December 16, 2016. We'll keep you updated about Star Wars: Rogue One, so stay tuned.


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