Star Wars: Force Awakens Moment Gives More Meaning To Luke's Last Words To Kylo

Star Wars: The Last Jedi was chockfull of amazing moments, and one of them was the final "duel" between Luke Skywalker and Kylo Ren. The movie is already filled to the brim with Easter Eggs and references, and a fan on Reddit has pointed out a neat Easter Egg in the previous movie, Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

As we all know, Kylo Ren received a scar from Rey during their duel on Starkiller Base. Redditor raqfox, however, points out that the place where Kylo received his scar was also the last place his father Han Solo touched before he fell to his death. This gives so much more meaning to Luke's final words to Kylo:

"If you strike me down in anger, I'll always be with you… just like your father."

So in a way, Kylo's scar is like an everlasting reminder of Han Solo!

I don't know if the placement of the scar was intentional, but it was certainly a nice touch. Even during the scene with Han's death, you can feel some catharsis as he holds Ben Solo's face for the last time. I guess we'll just have to wait for someone from Lucasfilm to tell us that was the intention officially.

With Carrie Fisher passing, it's a real bummer that we won't get to see Leia have some final moments with her son. The way The Last Jedi ended, Chris Terrio and J.J. Abrams need to find a perfect way to send-off Leia while feeling respectful to her character.

My bet is that the movie will feature a huge time-jump into the war with Leia dying at some point in between. I'd be happy to get proven wrong, however.

Star Wars Episode IX is set for a release on Dec. 20, 2019. Star Wars: The Last Jedi is still in theaters.

See Also: Rian Johnson Explains Why Yoda Was Brought Back In Star Wars: The Last Jedi

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