Solo Actor Alden Ehrenriech Confirms That Harrison Ford Hates Ewoks

Harrison Ford might be one of the most iconic actors of his time, but the Star Wars and Indiana Jones is infamously known for being a grump. Ford's always had a complicated relationship with his Star Wars character Han Solo, bristling when reporters try to raise the subject of the slick smuggler. For years Ford's been trying to get Solo killed, getting his wish in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Now as Alden Ehrenreich takes over the role in Solo: A Star Wars Story, the young Han Solo confirms that after all this time, Ford still hates Star Wars' Ewoks.

"That might be true, yeah. He was kind of like, 'Wait, what is it? Who's directing?' He barely knew what was happening," Ehrenreich shared in an interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live. "He still doesn't like the Ewoks. I think that's a big thing for him. He hates Ewoks. It's like FAO Schwartz, he didn't like them."

Ford isn't the only one. A lot of Star Wars fans were a bit upset by the Ewoks too. What was meant to be a new mascot for Lucasfilm's galaxy far, far away turned into what many consider a poorly-created toy-grab for the studio. Luckily, Star Wars screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan could get Ford to "do almost anything."

Though Ford had little to do with Solo, the Star Wars icon did meet with Ehrenreich to give some advice on how to take on the role, giving the newcomer his approval.

Solo: A Star Wars Story hits cinemas May 25.

Read: Seventy Percent Of Solo: A Star Wars Story Reportedly Shot By Ron Howard

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