Shazam!: Captain Marvel Saves a Bus and Dances to Himself in Set Video

Just recently, we got a set photo which gave us a glimpse of the Captain Marvel costume from the front, and now we have an entire video from the set of Shazam! that has him doing some hero work.

Check it out:

The video seems to have Captain Marvel stopping a bus by himself, and after the passengers leave, we see him celebrate to himself after a job-well-done. Sure it may look a tad cheesy, but when you think of it, it totally fits the character of a kid inside a superhero's body.

Though it hasn't been outright said, Shazam! is looking to be the first comedy movie for the DCEU. The film has been described as Big but with Superman, and I think we should expect a lot of hilarious hijinks.

I love how the costume looks very comic-accurate. With the MCU usually giving us modernized looks for comic characters, the DCEU is going a different direction by giving us heroes with comic-accurate gear. What's amazing is, none of the characters look stupid at all. Then again, we'll just have to wait and see what this Captain Marvel looks like onscreen. What is taking DC so long for the official costume reveal??

Shazam! is expected to hit theaters April 5, 2019.

See Also: Shazam! Set Photo Now Gives Us a Glimpse at the Front of the Suit

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