Ridley Scott Admits He Was Wrong About Prometheus; Pulls Back On His Alien Sequels

A lot of fans were a bit worried after Alien director Ridley Scott said he plans to pump out six more Alien films, but it looks like the director has had a change of heart. While promoting his upcoming, Alien: Covenant, Scott admits that he has made some mistakes with Prometheus, and says that he would like to scale back on the promise of pumping out six more movies.

In an interview with Yahoo, Scott says:

"It went straight up there, and we discovered from it that [the fans] were really frustrated. They wanted to see more of the original [monster] and I thought he was definitely cooked, with an orange in his mouth. So I thought: ‘Wow, OK, I'm wrong. The fans, in a funny kind of way — they're not the final word — but they are the reflection of your doubts about something, and then you realize ‘I was wrong' or ‘I was right.' I think that's where it comes in. I think you're not sensible if you don't actually take [the fans' reaction] into account."

To be honest, I quite like how Prometheus tried to reverse engineer the look of the original Xenomorph. I thought the real problem with the movie was the huge amount of plotholes and the confusing lore. I mean, how could Idris Elba's character have known that the Engineers were trying to kill the humans after his ship was attacked by a zombie geologist?

The movie had a very interesting premise that promised deep questions, but it just failed to deliver.

When it came to the topic of sequels for Covenant, Scott says:

"I don't know. [I'll make] maybe two more [films], or maybe one more, I don't know."

It's a good thing he decided to hold back. Six movies is a crazy number, and you can only stretch out the lore so much. Joss Whedon only worked on two Avengers films, and he was clearly strained by the second. Best if Scott gave someone else a chance to steer the franchise. Neill Blomkamp, anyone?

Alien: Covenant comes out May 19.

See Also: Tested: Adam Savage Tries On A Spacesuit From Alien: Covenant

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