Pokémon Ultra Sun And Ultra Moon Poster Teases Possible New Villains

A Japanese poster for Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon have been released, and they've raised a lot of questions. Dubbed as an "alternative" story to the original Pokemon Sun and Moon, it looks like we can expect a number of changes from last year's hit 3DS games. One of those changes could be the villains, who look more mysterious than ever.

Judging from their white outfits, it looks like they could be related to the Aether Foundation, the true villains of Sun and Moon. However, their odd masks might mean they are a splinter faction or a new entity with members former members from the Aether Foundation. What their motives are, remain unknown, but it does add interest to two games many fans might be double dipping on.

(original image from imgur)

In the previous game, it was revealed that the Aether Foundation did research on alternate dimensions, where certain rare Pokemon roam. Lead by the crazed Lusamine, she was later defeated by the player, even after merging with a Rare Beast (she still used other Pokemon though, it was odd). While it's not clear if Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are sequels, the new villains could indicate that it might be.

Another possible indication is also on the poster. We see Lillie, the daughter of Lusamine and ally of the player in the original Sun and Moon, holding a Pokeball. She technically wasn't a trainer in the previous games, so this could be an indication that it takes place after the last two games. Then again, we see Nebby in the poster, so this could be an alternate retelling or something else entirely. For those unaware, Nebby turns to either Solgaleo or Lunala, the legendaries of Sun and Moon respectively.

Will we see new villains in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon? Fans can find out on November 17.

Read:Pokémon Ultra Sun And Ultra Moon Have Bonuses For Early Buyers, Digital Customers And Gold And Silver Fans

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