Pokemon GO Can Now Be Played Indoors Due to Coronavirus Concerns

Pokemon GO was known for being a mobile game that encouraged players to get out of the house and walk, which was pretty successful for a while. At one point it was a worldwide phenomenon and people around the world were making friends while playing the game, which is a moment that has yet to be recreated. Sadly, we are far away from those days as that darn Coronavirus has forced people to stay inside for their health.

To their credit, the folks at Niantic have made some big adjustments to their hit mobile game so that players can play Pokemon GO indoors. On their blog, Niantic revealed that the Adventure Sync will let the game track your footsteps indoors so you will be able to get rewards and reach some of the shops by simply walking in the house. They also stated that Raid Battles will soon be available indoors as well.

While it sucks that we won't be able to go out for a while, this is a really good move from the developers in Niantic. The fact that they're giving fans options to play this game while still inside their houses is something anyone can appreciate, though nothing beats going to a park and finding some Pokemon in there.

Once this whole Coronavirus thing subsides, I would like nothing more to do than get out and play some Pokemon GO. God, I miss the great outdoors.

Pokemon GO is available now on iOS and Android devices.

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